Paper Submission
Original regular or review/overview articles related to the conference topics as proceedings are encouraged to be submitted to Plasma and Fusion Research ( ). Each submitted paper will be put through a peer-review process, and those accepted will be published in the journal.
- Scope of Plasma and Fusion Research (PFR) is explained in the following URL.
- The first author of the submitted paper is expected to be the same person as the first author of the presentation at the conference.
- Regular and review/overview articles in PFR are explained in the following URL.
- The recommended numbers of pages for the articles related to the conference are (but not limited to) as follows.
Plenary/Invited: 8 pages
Poster: 4 pages
- The submission deadline is December 12, 2022 January 9, 2023.
- Publication charge is not covered by the conference. The authors are requested to pay a publication charge when their article is accepted. Please see the following URL for details.
Template files for submission
The sample format for the manuscript with cover page is available below. The filled cover page should be attached to the first page of your manuscript.
Please use the following template files for submission.
Microsoft Word template: | sample_itc31.docx |
TeX template and style file: | sample_itc31.tex pfr_itc31.sty |
TeX compiled pdf: | sample_itc31.pdf |
Copyright Transfer Agreement: | copyrightTransferAgreement.pdf |
Submission process
To submit your manuscript, visit the following submission page of PFR.
- Please create your account by clicking the word “Register Now”, if you do not have an account with PFR. This is a different account from that made for ITC registration and abstract submission.
- After that, login with your account by pushing the button “Author Login”. Then click the word “Submit New Manuscript”.
- Next, the tab “Select Article Type” appears.
- Select “ITC31-Regular Articles”, unless you are suggested for another type of paper by the Editorial Board. Those whom the Editorial Board nominates can select “ITC31-Review Articles” or "ITC31-Overview Articles".
- Please proceed with the submission process according to the instructions.